Friday, December 7, 2012

Jabez, my boo. Part 2

Ok, so I've taken my cat to the ER twice in the past week and can only get a vague idea of what is going on with him.  He absolutely refuses to eat.  This is not good for a diabetic, kitty, or human.  I thought for sure I was going to have to put him to sleep last night but when we got to the ER he rallied around and started acting like his normal sweet self.   All they can offer is nausea medicine and an appetite stimulant.  And of course more diagnostic tests.  Ten years ago when I was making mucho dinero I would have gone ahead and let them run all the tests they needed to get at the problem.  Now?   I'm not making that kind of money anymore and what's more, the money I am getting is not permanent and can be stopped at any time by the work comp insurance.  Anyway....

So, today he is just laying at my feet as I sit here without anything to eat or drink.  I got an idea when I woke up this morning to get him some of that wet food that I used to feed him for diabetics.  He loved that stuff and got up to 30lbs when I was feeding him that.  So, I thought I'd go to the vet and get a can of that and see if he'll eat that.  I'm not sure what the next few days will reveal for this kitty who is diabetic and won't eat.  I just couldn't make the decision last night to euthanize.  Especially since he started acting like his normal self in the ER.

So, here we are again.  Please pray for this situation.  I really don't want to euthanize him.  I just want the Lord to take him without my help.  It's so hard.  This kitty has been a part of my life for the past 12 years and has provided so much companionship that I have come to love and depend on.  Shouldn't that make God want to take him?  I mean, it seems like God takes away things from me that I love and depend on, so it makes logical sense to me that He will take Jabez away too.

Our God is a jealous God and He doesn't want anything between Him and me.  I wonder if that includes school?  I can't seem to start studying for the finals coming up next week.  Like here I am writing this blog instead of studying......

Pray for me and my boo.

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